Sharing your story is an act of healing.

Whether you are preparing for birth, or in the years after - exploring your story in a healing way holds the key to more peace, confidence and ease as you integrate your identity as a Mother

My offerings include prenatal or postpartum, first-time or consecutive birth support, with options for one-time or session bundles to support integration at your unique pace


Offerings to support your Rebirth

Woman in light blue etheral dress stretching her interlocked palms toward the clouds

Birth Story Breakthrough

Because birth is a rite of passage, there was at least one unexpected moment during your ordeal that left you feeling shocked, confused, betrayed, ashamed, or powerless. You may be asking yourself, “How did this happen to me?” or “Who Am I now?”

Having unwished-for events, unexpected outcomes, or moments in your birth experience that you wish you could do-over can linger as emotional wounds that affect your confidence, peace, and presence as a woman and as a mother. Even births that would not be defined as “traumatic” or even “difficult” from the outside often have moments that choke you up, make you wince, or that you’ve chosen to exile out of your social story completely.

You will not be telling your story in the same way you’ve told it before. This session is an opportunity for you to get to the heart of what’s troubling you, and honors you as a willing Huntress looking for new perspective.

You will experience a felt shift around your birth story, which will permeate throughout your Being and bring new healing, clarity and peace to your daily life.

Sessions are virtual and last 60-75 minutes. It is vital that you have childcare so that you can fully honor this healing space.

The story you bring to BIrth

Recognize & re-frame the stories you are already telling yourself about birth, which influence your thoughts, behaviors, and the story you will tell about your birth.

You will build resilience should an unwanted outcome occur, which is key to preserving your courage, clarity and peace of mind before, during, and after your birth - without bypassing or relying on hopes, prayers, manifestation or wishful thinking.

This can include ruminations, “what-if’s”, fears and insecurities about:

  • Your self-confidence, such as lingering fear of an unwanted outcome, or the pressure of having a redemptive birth.

  • The nature of childbirth, including doubts about pain tolerance, uncertainty and control, or a burdened state of mind from a previous birth.

  • The medical model, your autonomy and how you will honor your needs, intuition and boundaries while under pressure.

  • Navigating relational dynamics, such as getting the support you desire from your partner or care team, communicating your needs, receiving help, and setting boundaries with family & friends.

Go Deeper In Community


The REturn

An INtimate group experience - Waitlist open

For when the words don’t come easy, or your heart is longing for a new reference point to explore your experience, apart from the medical or social story that feels like its missing something - your Truth.

You will meet your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience as a sacred journey to reclaim, recover, and re-emerge with more confidence & ease in your Self and your Mothering. The experience will weave ancient storytelling, guided reflection, deep witnessing and somatic integration; cultivating a sacred space to gather and integrate what was lost, what emerged, and what you will choose to carry forward.

Huntresses looking to move past the rehearsed version of your story and who are willing to find deeper meaning, threads, and answers within - this is made for you.

Through this journey, you may experience:

  • Deeper meaning in your birth experience & motherhood journey

  • Forgiveness for yourself or others for things that didn’t go the way you hoped for

  • Telling of your birth story with intention and love

  • Seeing your birth as a rite of passage and the story of your birth as a meaningful journey in your life

  • Increased confidence and ease in your mothering & your connection with your baby

This virtual communal space will provide reverence to your unique emergence into Motherhood, with a dedicated community devoted to growth, evolution, and meeting all parts of ourselves fully - space that isn’t freely given by the ‘snap back’ culture.


Guest speaking

Book Nicole as a speaker for your next virtual Or in person event

Nicole is a professional speaker for podcasts, events, webinars and workshops for modern women and birth workers, specializing in topics on embodied language & storytelling, birth as a heroine’s journey, supporting prenatal resilience and guiding women on their return to wholeness after difficult births.




Explore the stories you carry Through THE Re:Birth PODCAST