It’s So much More than a story.

Birth is the greatest catalyst to personal evolution you will ever experience - and, it is so much bigger than your birth story.

The transformation from woman to mother, if done intentionally, has the power to create the world we wish to leave for our children, by awakening the depths of your innate wisdom.

This change doesn’t come to us by learning new information. It happens by getting close to the stories we have carried forward - being intentional about what we can do with them now - and embodying that change as we shape our children’s stories of themselves and the world we wish to see them create.

Photo by Cami Dené Photography

Your birth story matters.

Your birth story is a living, breathing part of you - and it deserves to be met that way.

Birth stories have devolved into numbers, timelines, success/failure, and other diminished ways of relating that leave the felt sense, and the woman’s deeper inner journey out of it. By normalizing this in our culture, we are failing women, and robbing future generations of the collective wisdom to be found in this most profound experience.

Birth invites every woman to meet unexpected challenges and unmet parts of her Self - no matter how it looks on the outside.

A birth story breakthrough session with me is dedicated space to share and explore what feels unresolved, heavy, or taking up precious energy in your mind - so you can reclaim the peace, joy and trust in your Self, and a greater sense of ease and confidence in your mothering that is inherently yours.

Whether you are preparing for birth, or in the years after - exploring your story in a healing way holds the key to more peace, confidence and ease as you integrate your identity as a Mother.

You will be amazed at what can change in just one hour.


A peek into my personal rebirth

“I saw my birth not as one singular event, but a pivotal point in the arc of my life, in which there was a “Me" before, and a “Me" after.”

As a “high-achieving” woman, I sought out to be the “expert” in my own birth, consuming all of the information I could gather (with discernment), hiring a doula, and ensuring my husband got properly educated as well.

It felt like I was preparing for a test - a test of my personal will, my body, my mental strength, and one that I desperately did not want to get outsmarted in or fail. I was armoring up in all sorts of ways. Looking back, it felt so urgent, and so heavy. I felt so much pressure to perform up to my potential, for the sake of my baby — but also, for the sake of my own ego.

Much like in life, Birth often has her own plans. Even with our best efforts to prepare, it will initiate us, bringing us face-to-face with our own shadows. And, that it did.

In the months following my first birth I was reeling and in what I’d describe as a freeze. On top of the trial-by-fire of being a newborn mother, I was healing significant physical debilitating injury, stuck in mental loops and emotional turmoil. I felt shaken to my core. It was affecting my ability to witness and show up for my baby, and that broke my heart the most. I decided to gather the courage to open the ‘Own Your Birth Story’ chapter in Kimberly Ann Johnson’s book The Fourth Trimester. It's through her embodied work that I found Pam England and her world-shifting Birth Story Medicine® work.

In a one-hour session, I disassembled the debilitating narrative I had taken on from my birth story, opening the door for me to see my whole Truth. It was nothing like I had expected. It felt like magic. I half-expected the old feelings and the looping story to come back around — but they never did. I never told my story the same way again. I couldn’t. The best part was — it felt even more true and full than the disempowering one. It wasn’t something that I bypassed or “should’d” my way into thinking. The facts hadn’t changed, but I had changed my relationship with it. I had a new framework and way of seeing, of telling.

That first session was the catalyst that blew my story wide open, and set the full, embodied transformation of my birth story into motion. The very next month, I began learning directly from Pam to bring this profound medicine forward, and I haven’t stopped since. Using the same Birth Story Medicine® model, I worked through the many layers of what I was carrying from my birth, as they bubbled up - until a single moment 15 months later that I physically felt the last (and deepest) layer of my story dissolve into what I describe as “grounded smithereens”.

Along the way, I was able to integrate so many lessons and life-altering insights, some were not related (but inextricably related) to my birth story. Through looking at the deeper truth of my birth story, I see my son’s birth not as one singular event, but a reckoning, a culmination of all the selves I once was meeting at this one critical time. It was a pivotal point in the arc of my life, in which there was a “Me" before, and a “Me" after. Doing this work within myself has forged my embodiment as Mother.


“Nicole offers a sacred space to really hear yourself. She holds mirrors up to see yourself from new and refreshing angles. You will walk from the session with wisdom, confidence and compassion for yourself and your birth experience”

- Nicole, Calgary


It’s one thing to be aware of your story, yet it is a whole other journey to live into a different ending - to honor the facts but relate to them in a new way that doesn’t limit you, but sets you free.

We don’t know that we’re being initiated by an experience when we’re deep in it, but I was wholly initiated by Birth. My story is now a part of me. It lives on as peace, power and wholeness that I see was always there, waiting for me to claim. It feels like Truth, free of distortion. My initiation into motherhood is now one I am incredibly proud of, and Birth’s medicine continues to work on me and through me, in ways I can now identify and offer to the greater community. This is how we change birth in our culture. It starts within Us.

Birth offers a powerful passageway from Maiden to Mother, providing a lens where we can gain a world of insight into the threads of our past that are ready to be met with a new, mature understanding in the present.

I believe the world can be healed through Mothers - and the story we carry into it can be one that empowers or hinders our capacity to fully meet ourselves as a steward of life.


What is your professional background?

For over eight years, I’ve run both virtual and in-person workshops for women to help uncover, unify and integrate where the physical body meets the inner voice.

My continued exploration of life & learning is a steady, ever-flowing river. My work flows from my own personal experience and professional trainings with teachers and elders. In the decade prior to becoming a Mother, my healing path led me to study & integrate across a spectrum of subjects, including interpersonal neuroscience, attachment, mindfulness & EQ, somatic psychology, jungian archetypes, and indigenous wisdom. My biggest influences have been Dr. Diane Poole Heller, Kimberly Ann Johnson, Dr. Gabor Maté, Elena Brower, David Bedrick and Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Most current and notable is my relationship with my mentor, Pam England, who changed everything for me when I was three-months postpartum and hunting new meaning in my first birth story.

With a curious mind and an innate instinct to “connect the dots”, I’ve gained wisdom from deep loss, taking daring leaps of faith, roaming faraway foreign lands alone, tending to my garden and staring into my sons’ eyes.


Experience A New Story


Guest speaking

Invite Nicole to speak

Nicole is available as a speaker for podcasts, events, webinars and workshops for modern women, birth workers, mental health professionals, and healers who serve the Mothers of the next generation


More about Nicole


Life is meant to be an exploration

I’ve farmed with monks, trekked distant mountaintops, surfed on three continents, and made friendships across the globe.

My passports have accumulated stamps from 31 countries, and I’m ready to add many more. I’ve always dreamed of raising culturally-aware, well-traveled children, and I am so grateful to provide that privilege.

Growth Is Constant

(even when it’s not seen)

My garden is a sacred space and constant teacher, where I practice conscious tending, problem-solving, comfort with change, energetic cycles & seasons, and letting go. And one of my favorite ways to bond with my son.


Myers-Briggs INFJ (The Counselor archetype)

Enneagram 7w4

Human Design 1/3 Splenic Projector

Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Gemini Rising