Ep. 07 / Partner Wisdom: First-time Fathers share their experience

In honor of Father's day in the US, this episode brings together three new fathers as they open up about their experiences - the surprises, the personal struggles, the lessons, and what they would do if they did it all over again.

This episode is like being a fly on the wall as friends gather and share an open dialogue, with space for differences and solidarity in similar struggles.

The conversation includes their experience around these topics and more:

  • Which “part” of the transition surprised them the most - preparation, birth or postpartum?

  • What life experiences prepared them best for Fatherhood

  • Navigating relationship challenges in postpartum

  • Expectations vs. reality of the Father role

  • The comparison game

  • Best advice for new fathers

  • A values-based approach to making birth decisions

  • The value of a long-term perspective

  • The gifts of fatherhood for each of them

  • What they might have done differently, if given the chance or choice


Ep. 08 / the impact of birth trauma on babies & their families


Ep. 06 / Attachment Styles Through the Generations & How to Move Towards Repair, Part Two