Ep. 01 / Piecing the Past Together - on Loss, Forgiveness and Leaving a Legacy

Our first guest, Nikki Weaver, and I created this a year ago, in January 2021. At the time, I was 6 months pregnant, with this podcast also growing inside me. One sleepless third-trimester night, I had the strong urge to begin recording, and Nikki is the person who immediately came to mind.

Nikki is a friend that I look to as a Mama mentor, and when we met I immediately felt a kindredness with her - it’s undeniable in this interview.

Our conversation is timeless, doesn’t hold back, and is full of potency. Nikki shares about the lessons of her challenging childhood, how that shapes her mothering today, her visions for our future as a collective and so much more.

TW: our candid conversation includes mention of death & the process of dying, alcoholism, suicide and incarceration.

If after you feel that someone else pops into your heart who could hear this, please share this episode with them.

Some topics that arise in our conversation:

  • Maternal loss

  • Family communication around difficult events

  • Is independence by necessity, or as a result of felt safety?

  • Our adjustments to being step-mothered, the Mother wound & receiving support from other women as adults

  • Finding forgiveness for our fathers, forgiveness as a practice, forgiveness and its entanglement with acceptance, and looking to the past for understanding

  • Entering motherhood without your own Mom, and how to keep her legacy alive

  • How more compassion for ourselves can change the world

  • Finding connection through sisterhood to weather trying times

Learn more, Join or Support Nikki’s non-profit, On the Inside


Ep. 02 / Is it an Identity Crisis, or Internalized Capitalism? and How I’m Navigating This